Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I tried to keep a consistant house style across my print production and my music video. In both I used only outdoor, Winter environments and had the band members dress in the same style, band t-shirts, jeans etc. In both the video and the print production I had the band members maintain a serious, "cool" appearance. I used a serif font across the print production apart from the front cover which I used a sans-serif large font with fading effects. I chose to do this as the serif font would be the band logo however the focus of the front cover is the title of the album "NUMBERS" so I chose to have the band title be the same as this as it was small in comparison to the album name.

We based the bands image on some existing bands such as the following:

Both of these bands have similar appearances, long hair, black t-shirts, jeans, band clothing and in rural areas. The lead singer in our video is wearing the same brand of clothing as the singer of Bring Me the Horizon (first picture).

You can see in my digipak I used an effect used in the first picture and a lot of metal/rock photography which is the fading black borders, which I used around the band members faces, which gives the image a darker feel.

It was my intention that the promotional materials for this release would retain the same style so that all of the product's house style was coherent. If I could change something about my digipak it would be that I would put the band's Serif font logo on the front cover so that it was more recognisable as a part of the AlterVertigo brand. It would be very beneficial to all the products released by the band that they are instantly recognisable to the band's brand.

When marketing a band or artist through Media 2.0 it is important that you maintain a recognisable brand image as audience members will quickly dismiss something if it is not something they are familiar with. Having a consistent brand image is one of the most important elements to creating a popular band/artist however there are some artists who are famous for constantly changing their brand image for example Madonna. You can see that the woodland setting was used for both the video and the print production creating a link (Alex can be seen singing in the wood where the Digipak pictures were taken).

Above, the band I used for my video except for the 3rd person was changed for a different drummer.

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